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Working on a Book
Well, the book is still a work-in-progress.  The hope of it being completed in 2010 is all but gone; however, I'm still hoping for 2011.  I'll keep hammering away at it. 
Unfortunately Bad Things are Coming
As most of us in law enforcement know, this has been a decidedly difficult year.  Calls for service have increased, stealing offenses have multiplied, alcohol-related incidents are not reducing, and I've personally noticed a huge increase of involuntary imminent harm commitments (96 hours).
With an economy that is still in dire straits, we can expect more of the same in the coming months.  Jobs are getting scarce, money is low, alcohol and drugs are still plentiful and easily accessible and tempers are flaring.  I'm afraid that we will be seeing more of the crazy stuff in 2011.  Let's hope for best, but prepare for the worst.
Good luck to each of us out there in the squad cars, we're going to need it!


E-mail address: mocop405@policeone.com