Farrell Lee Jeter
Farrell passed away on April 21, 2008. I had known Farrell for many years, beginning from the time he
worked for Taney County Ambulance. I got to know him best when he worked for the Hollister Police Department.
He had a great sense of humor and one of the brightest officers I've ever known. Farrell was an outstanding member of
the Branson Police Department at the time of his passing. My prayers are with his wife, Kathy, and his son.
Kristina Stevens
Kris passed away on June 22, 2008. Kris and I attended the police academy together in 1992. We
both began working for the Hollister Police Department that same year. I always had a great deal of respect for
her and her commitment to her job. She was friendly, smart and tenacious and she will be greatly missed. My prayers
go out to her four children.
Steve Gayman
Steve passed away on September 18, 2008 in a tragic vehicle accident. Steve and I also attended the
police academy together. He was already an officer with the Hollister Police Department when I met him and helped me
get my first law enforcement position. He guided and helped me a great deal during my first few months with the department.
Steve had an incredible sense of humor, he was knowledgeable and a fantastic guy to hang around. My prayers
are with his wife, Errica and his two sons.